Grand Canyon

I took pictures

I wrote poems

I drew sketches

I could own

On my wall

Or in my drawer

In the bank

Or in the store

I got money

Saved the cash

Sill, it itched me

Like a rash

It seems I never captured it

Or the awe

I felt

Just the itch

On the Road

I can’t see it

But I have your hand

And you tell me

“There is a stone here”


“There’s a branch here”

So I leap or take a bigger step

And each leap or step

Brings us closer.

Value of a coin

Bad is not the opposite of good, it is a necessary companion on the journey.

They know each other well and share stories about the time

As a coin they jingle in uncle’s pocket

Until he slams it on the bar and shouts,

“Bottoms up!”

Technology sways

The wind is from the West

In An El Niño year

warmer weather

Means a hard rain instead of snow

Against the rocks

Scattering leaves

Have found their place

Brought in with a landscape project

I was told all the trees were cut down and sold for cash

Before the subdivision was developed

To make my backyard maple colorful

And virtual