Pass the Cup

This cup is a universe

Known in time

Poured to the brim overflowing

As the gift of life

I drink this cup

You Offer to me

Warm and sweet to the lips

Dripping like honey upon this pixelated page

As I ask/pray innocently/greedily for more

Forgiving edits

New York, New York

To sail to the

New World is my dream

Yet the Old World still beckons me

At breakfast table

And laundry service

Where linens and hankies are neatly

Pressed and white

Silverware and “sir” is the storm I face

As the waves roll

And lightning flashes


Yes, I am not Jonah

This vessel is tossed in the sea

I am not

So I feel somewhat safe


The refulgent fireflies

Dart about

Like embers from the fire

As the past becomes metaphor

And the flood of memories

Tries to carry me away in its powerful current

I watch the surge from the new steel bridge

As I cross to the other side

Not knowing One from the other

Still in my State

Lifelong trip

I went to the city

Where the prairies are full

of yellow cabs and black limos

Where the wildlife trails are concrete

And the watering holes are bistros and bars

How can such a difference reveal such a sameness?

I have never really left the range

I have carried my mementos of home

In my travel trunk

I never really flew

The Writers

Wield that sword

Between thumb

And forefinger

It’s often called “the pointing”

For it distracts one from looking

At the source

Yet rather the reflection

Becomes the blinding light.